Sunday, 5 June 2016

And They're Off! - Day 1

Departure from the South Porch of Canterbury Cathedral at 8.20am on Sunday morning - after receiving a welcome and special blessing from the Cathedral Canon.

The zero stone plaque marks the official beginning of the Via Francigena Canterbury to Rome pilgrim route.

Left to right: Mike Burton, Mike Claridge, Mike Carney, Fr Michael Spain, Denese Hankins, Malcolm Johnstone and Rev Christoper Irvine Canon Librarian at Canterbury Cathedral.

Fr Michael receiving the Via Francigena Pilgrim Passports from the Cathedral Canon

Unloading the bikes and preparing for departure

Checking a few last minute details

Did someone say "Pump it Up"
I think they meant the tyres - but girls you look great!
(Maura and Mary - who came to Canterbury to wish our Pilgrims well)

'Tiger' one of the Cathedral cats thinking he'd like to hop in the van while no one was looking!

 So "Bon Voyage" to our Pilgrims
May God bless you and keep you safe

*     *     *     *     *

And just to make you, the readers, chuckle, who do you think

- forgot their cycle hat?

- forgot the (one and only) Garmin cycle sat nav? 

- forgot their cycle shoes?

- couldn't find the cathedral when arriving in Canterbury?

- had no credit on their phone?

- dropped their phone on the cobblestones?

I will do my best to keep you up to date with photos, maps and stories from our Pilgrims as they travel the Via Francigena.  A small selection of these photos will be pinned to the notice board in the side porch.

Ros Burton

Answers to above:
- MCa
- MB
- MC
- MJ
- MS
- DH

but everything ended well!